
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Pengalaman OSPEK Universitas Gunadarma


Kali ini saya akan menceritakan tentang pengalaman OSPEK di Gunadarma ni, buat kalian yang pengen masuk kampus gunadarma... jangn takut sama ospek nya... ga akan dia apa"in, yang ada di hibur hehe

pertama, waktu saya mau masuk gunadarma, itu saya takut banget, kenapa ? karne saya ga ada barengannya hehe, ngomong-ngomong soal ospek nih guys, sebelum kita memasuki masa ospek di gunadarma da yang namanya PPSPPT mau tau ga PPSPPT itu apa ?
PPSPPT itu Pengenalan Program Studi dan Program Pendidikan Tinggi, PPSPPT ini berlangsung selama 2 hari sebelim masa ospek , di dalam PPSPPT itu membahas tentang Pengenalan Universitas Gunadarma, Penjelasan Administrasi Gunadarma sama Pengenalan Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan.
buat kalian yang mau masuk gunadarma kalian harus mengikuti PPSPPT, karena PPSPPT itu sangat penting untuk pengetahuan kalian menjadi mahasisa gunadarma. Nah, setelah PPSPPT.... Kalian akan mengikuti masa OSPEK, pasti pada tegang dong , dan berfikir pasti bakal di kerjain, hehe.. tapi itu semua salah.. soalnya ospek gunadarma enak banged, kita ga di suruh bawa yang macem" . Waktu pengalaman saya, saya cuma harus bikin
1. Name Tag : yang ada foto kita .. fotonya juga bebas ga terlalu formal
2. PITA : Kita suruh pake pita dengan warna yang sesuai dengan fakultas masing-masing. Karna saya dari Fakultas ekonomi jadi saya pake pita warna warna kuning / orange

udah itu aja yang wajib, kalo masalh barang bawaan, kita cuma disuruh bawa
1. makan siang
2. air mineral
3. perlengkapan sholat

kegiatan ospek kita cuma mendengarkan dan bermain game disitu juga ada pengenalan softskill, dan pengenalan para anggota ospek. buat kalian jangan sampe ga dateng pada saat ospek, karna kalo ga dateng kalian bakal rugi, kenapa ? karna kalian ga akan dapet pengalaman yang lucu sama satu lagi setelah ospek akan di bagikan almamater gunadarma sama dapet buku panduan gunadrma dan buku matakuliah.

terima kasih
semoga bermafaat ya :)

Pantai Sawarna

Assalamualaikum wr,wb
halooooo... :)

Kali ini saya akan mencertika tentang keindahan pantai sawarna, mungkin di antara kalian udah ada yang tau pantai sawarna itu apa.... Pantai sawarna itu terletak di Desa Sawrna, kecamatan Bayah, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten kira-kira 150 km dari kota rangkas bitung. Pantai sawarna ini memang belum begitu di kelas masyarakata luas karena lokasinya yang jauh, tapi keindahan pantai nya sunggung menabjupkan.. di desa sawarna terdapat banyak sekali keindahan, misalnya pantai sawarna yang memiliki keindahan dengan ciri terdapat tanjung layar, tanjung layar itu sebuah batu besar berbentuk layar yang berada di pantai sawarna

ini pantai sawarna yang mempunyai ciri tanjung layar

Selain tanjung layar terdapat pantai lain yang memiliki keindahan yang manawan seperti karang taraje.. karang taraje memiliki keindahan dengan hamparan batu karang seperti bali 

nah ini karang taraje terdapat banyak sekali batu karang

selain karang taraje ada lagi yang menarik yaitu goa lalay, goa lalay itu berada ga jauh dari pantai sawarana disana kita bisa melihat keindahan di dadalam goa lalay, kalo masuk ke goa lalay harus sama pemandu karena didalam goa lalay terdapat air jdi kita masuknya buka sendal biar ga licin

nah kalo ini dalem goa lalay 

selain goa lalay masih ada yang lain ni salah satunya pantai ciantir, tapi saya ga sempet kesni tapi sempet foto pas jalan pulang dri ketinggian 

ini dia pantai ciantir
gimana ? bagus kan pantai yang ada di desa sawarna, nah.. kalo kalian punya libur panjang ni, coba aja main ke desa sawarna yang mempunyai banyak keindahan... ga perlu bawa uang banyak- banyak, karna disan penginapannya relatif murah ko hehe ... oiya di pantai sawarna belum ada toko souvenir kaya di pantai-pantai lainnya karna pantai ini masih jarang dikunjungi oleh orang banyak jadi blm begitu banyak yang jual jual souvenir. dan disana juga udah ada indomart jadi jangan takut keabisan makanan dijalan ya guys.. 

terimakasih.. semoga bermanfaat ;)

Sunday 22 June 2014

The Problem of Unemployment in Indonesia

Unemployment Problems and Solutions developments in Indonesia

Economic development is not always followed by a decrease in the number of unemployed. This is evident from the number of unemployed in Indonesia tends to increase from the previous year. This prompted the Indonesian government continues to find ways to reduce the amount of unemployment, one of them by creating jobs. As a result, unemployment has been increasing, a few years back had no decline. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Indonesia in August 2012 reached 6.14 percent, compared TPT decreased by 6.56 percent in February 2012.

Previously, BPS noted, total unemployed, in February 2010 decreased approximately 370 thousand people when compared to the state in August 2009, down about 670 thousand people compared to February of 2010. Decrease of the unemployment rate, as well as increasing the number of workers has increased the level of Labor Force participation Rate (LFPR) of 0.23 per cent over a period of one year. Total labor force in the first half of 2011, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which tend to show an increase in both

An increasing number of groups working population is able to reduce the number of unemployed fell to 7.87 percent. The Indonesian government can predict and achieve the level of unemployment through economic growth. If the government assumes that economic growth will be achieved in a given year by one percent, it can be predicted to affect the decline in the unemployment rate of 0.064703 percent. If the government is targeting the lower the unemployment rate by 1 percentage point, then the government should reach about 15.5 percent of economic growth, ceteris paribus assumption.

The first step to reducing unemployment is the government need to increase attention to public education. The level of education of unemployed high school graduates who dominated down the absorption indicates the difficulty of the work force. Actions that can be done for example improved education, especially formal education, and reduce the number of dropouts. In addition, job creation as one of the priorities in economic development is appropriate and the government must be consistent in its implementation or achievement of these priorities ..

One step is the wealth management area, which certainly must involve the local community. During this time many people in an area rich in wealth of the region, but people prefer to work abroad, it happens because of a lack of confidence and not promising in terms of income. Therefore, give confidence and knowledge to the people that they are not only working as a laborer or someone with a salary that is not promising.

Reducing the number of unemployed and the impact on the economy, not only that, another way is to entrepreneurship has an important role in all dimensions of life. Contribution of entrepreneurship to economic development of a country is not doubt about it. A country that can grow and can construct ideally, should have entrepreneurs of 2% of the total population. The presence and role of entrepreneurship will give effect to the advancement of the economy and improvement in the economic situation. Because entrepreneurs can create jobs, improve quality of life, improve income distribution, harness and mobilize resources to improve national productivity, the informal sector is an alternative that can help absorb unemployment.

Entrepreneurship can be an alternative in the alleviation of poverty and unemployment. The government is expected to support the advancement of entrepreneurship by providing capital assistance to entrepreneurs to set up businesses without a hitch on the cost of capital. Job seekers were initially only interested in the formal sector is also expected to change his views and switch on the informal sector that is entrepreneurial.
Analysis :
Economic development is not always followed by a decrease in the number of unemployed. This is evident from the number of unemployed in Indonesia tends to increase from the previous year. This prompted the Indonesian government continues to find ways to reduce the amount of unemployment, one of them by creating jobs. As a result, unemployment has been increasing, a few years back had no decline. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Indonesia in August 2012 reached 6.14 percent, compared TPT decreased by 6.56 percent in February 2012.
The first step to reducing unemployment is the government need to increase attention to public education. The level of education of unemployed high school graduates who dominated down the absorption indicates the difficulty of the work force. Actions that can be done for example improved education, especially formal education, and reduce the number of dropouts. In addition, job creation as one of the priorities in economic development is appropriate and the government must be consistent in its implementation or achievement of these priorities ..

1.What economic problems in Indonesia?
   Unemployment in Indonesia

2. Anyone who experienced unemployment?
    Indonesian people who does not have the ability and are not getting jobs

3. when does accur unemployment?
BPS noted, total unemployed, in February 2010 decreased approximately 370 thousand people when      compared to the state in August 2009, down about 670 thousand people compared to February of 2010. Decrease of the unemployment rate, and an increase in the number of labor force participation has increased the level of Work (LFPR) of 0.23 per cent over a period of one year. Total labor force in the first half of 2011, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which tends to show good improvement.

4. Where there is unemployment?
in Indonesia

5. Why unemployment occurs?
Unemployment due to the amount of labor force that is not balanced by the number of jobs / employment opportunities. As a result, many of the labor force that can not be absorbed in employment giving rise to unemployment

6. How to cope with unemployment?

 The first step to reducing unemployment is the government need to increase attention to public education. The level of education of unemployed high school graduates who dominated down the absorption indicates the difficulty of the work force. Actions that can be done for example improved education, especially formal education, and menurangi number of dropouts. In addition, job creation as one of the priorities in economic development is appropriate and the government must be consistent in its implementation or cahievement of these priorities..

my comments, should the government needs to pursue policies in the areas of employment, such as improved quality of labor / human resources, create jobs, encourage growth and capital investment, providing employment information, as well as provide training and skills for the workforce so that unemployment problem can be reduced each year

nama : siti nadiya fauziyyah
kelas : 1ea02
npm: 18213573

Thursday 24 April 2014

Noun Clauses

1.     Where is he ? I don’t know…………
I don’t know where he is
                      QW    S  V
2.       What does this work mean ? Could you please tell me…………
Could you please tell me what this word means
                                       QW          S              V
3.       What is Jane talking about ? I don’t understand…………
I don’t understand what Jane talking about is
                 QW      S                V
4.       Where can I buy a good radio ? Do you know…………
Do you know where I can buy a good radio
       QW   S                 V
5.       Why is mark angry ? Do you know…………
Do you know why mark is angry
QW     S          V
6.       Who is that boy ? I don’t know…………
I don’t know who that boy is
QW         S         V
7.       How old are their children ? I can’t ever remember…………
I can’t ever remember how old their children are
                                                   QH                  S                V
8.       Where can I catch the bus ? Could you please tell me…………
Could you please tell me where I can catch the bus
                                QW    S             V
9.       Whom did you see at the party ? Please tell me…………
Please tell me whom you saw at the party
              QW      S               V
10.   Whom did Helen talk to ? Do you know…………
Do you know whom Helen talked to
                       QW       S             V

Nama   :    Siti Nadiya Fauziyyah
Kelas    :    1EA02
NPM     :    18213573

Saturday 22 March 2014

Artikel Manajemen Bahasa Inggris

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is the science and art of relationship and the role of labor in an efficient and effective way thus achieved the goal with the company, employees and the community.

According to Mutiara s. Panggabean

MSDM is a process that consists of planning, organizing, controlling and management activities related to job evaluation, job analysis, procurement, development, compensation, promotion and termination of employment relationships in order to achieve the objectives that have been set. From the above definition, according to Mutiara s. Panggabaean that, the activities in the field of human resources can be viewed from two perspectives, namely from the work and from the side of the workers

Operational functions operational Function within the MSDM human resource management is the basic (Basic) implementation process the MSDM efficiently and effectively in the achievement of the objectives of the organization/company. The operational function is divided into 5 (five), is briefly as follows:

a. Procurement Functions is the withdrawal process, selection, placement, orientation, and induction to get employees to match the needs of the company.(the right man in the right place).

b. functions of the development is the process of improving technical skills, conceptual, theoretical, and employee morale through education and training. Education and training must be given in accordance with the needs of the present and the job of the future

c. Compensation Function is the provision of immediate retribution and not directly shaped the money or goods to employees as a convenience service (output) that he has given to the company. The principle of compensation is fair and worthy match the achievements of and the responsibility of the employee.

d. functions of the integration are activities to unite the interests of the company and employee needs, thus created a matching cooperation and mutual benefit.Where the integration is important and difficult in the MSDM, because unifying the two aspiration/interests that flips between employees and the company

e. the maintenance Function is an activity to maintain or improve the condition of the physical, mental and loyalty of employees in order to created a long term relationship. A good maintenance program is carried out by the HSE (Health and Safety work)


Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Dine with old friends

Waiter: are you ready to order now?
Doni: yes I'm ready and you han?
Hana: yes i also ready
Waiter: well then what you want to order?
Doni: I want to order the roast beef and fries
Waitress: You want the meat are like what? Mature or, a half-baked 
Doni: I want a half-baked yet cooked well not anything I like
Waitress: All Right...
Hana: I want to order but do not wear cheese spaghetti
Waiter: Do you want to order a drink too
Doni and hana: yes of course
Doni: I want to drink her milk ice fruit but not too much so it was not too sweet
Hanai: I want to drink apple juice for my health
waitress: Okay thank you your order will be in between ...

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Pemanfaatan Limbah KUMAN (Kulit Mangga) menjadi Keripik Cemilan Sehat

Pasti banyak yamg belum tau kan tentang manfaat kulit mangga ?? ko bias si jadi cemilan sehat ??
Penasaran kann ??? yaudah kita baca aja yukkk…….

Banyak sekali nih manfaat buah bagi tubuh manusia, salah satu buah yang cukup terkenal dikalangan kita yaitu buah mangga. Seperti yang diketahui banyak sekali kandungan dan manfat dari buah tropis yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia yaitu buah mangga. Selain daging buah mangga yang manis dan enak serta kandungan nutrisi yang ada didalamnya, ternyata kulit mangga juga tidak kalah berkhasiat. Banyak orang yang tidak mengkonsumsi kulit mangga hanya memakan daging buahnya saja, lalu membuang kulit buah tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, memunculkan ide untuk memanfaatkan limbah kulit mangga sebagai camilan yang sehat dan kaya manfaat. Tidak hanya menciptakan kreasi baru dibidang makanan tetapi juga dapat memberikan pemasukan/pendapatan dari hasil kreasi tersebut. Dengan cara menggoreng dan member variasi rasa pada kulit mangga, dapat menciptakan camilan yang berbeda dari yang lain. Sehingga menarik para konsumen untuk mengkonsumsi camilan ini. Berbagai cara dalam pendistribusian diantaranya melalui online shop dan membuka lapak di spot-spot yang strategis.

Nah… pemanfaatan limbah kulit mangga merupakan faktor utama yang mendasari dalam pembuatan camilan yang berupa kripik kulit mangga ini. Dewasa ini masih banyak konsumen yang belum mengetahui kandungan kulit mangga yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan. Dari beberapa sumber yang pengusul dapat, kulit manggamempunyai khasiat dapat menghilangkan jerawat, membantu program diet, mengandung vitamin A, sebagai antioksidan alami bagi tubuh, dan mengurangi pendarahan yang berlebihan saat haid. Dari kelebihan tersebut maka camilan kulit mangg a memiliki peluang usaha yang bagus karena belum banyak diproduksi camilan yang berbahan dari kulit buah terutama buah mangga sehingga keberhasilan cukup menjanjikan

Banyak sekali khasiat dari buah mangga  ini, pasti masih penasaran dong.. gimana cara membuat cemilan keripik dari kulit mangga ?

Bahan—bahan untuk membuat kripik kuman meliputi:

Tapi jangan sampe salah nih guys bahan- bahan ini untuk porsi yang banyak jadi kalo ingin membuat porsi yang sedikit di kira-kira ajh ya takarannya :)

3kg kulit mangga
500grm coklat bubuk
500grm keju
500gram bumbu balado
500gram gula halus
5siung bawang putih
5sdt garam
1 ½ liter minyak goreng
2 Airliter

Cara pembuatan:
1.     Cuci bersih kulit mangga, lalu potong persegi panjang Haluskan bawang putih dan garam dan masukkan ke dalam baskom besar  
2.     Rendam 15 menit kulit mangga pada air bumbu
3.     Panaskan minyak goreng
4.     Goreng kulit mangga hingga kering
5.     Siapkan bahan perasa ( coklat, keju, gula halus, dan bumbu balado) pada piring lebar yang terpisah
6.     Setelah kulit mangga dingin, masukkan pada bahan perasa
7.     Aduk-aduk kulit mangga hingga bahan perasa menempel agak tebal
8.     Keripik Kulit mangga siap di hidangkan 

Nah.. untuk kalian yang ingin mencoba  keripik kulit mangga ini silakan saja atau kalian yang ingin menjadikan peluang usaha ini silakan di coba...
Mudah-mudahan tulisan ini bermanfaat yah guys ..
Terimakasih :)